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What are my options?

Housing can be a huge barrier for victims wanting to leave an abuser. Unfortunately the laws and systems in the UK are not designed to assist victims the way we need them to. Whilst I cannot give you solutions, here is some information based on experience for different circumstances.

I must first stress some information about social housing and councils obligations.

All councils within the UK will have a duty to consider you for housing support/ social housing and temporary accomodation if you are fleeing domestic abuse. You do not need a local connection and can approach any council. If you flee your property local authoritys can not classify you as making yourself intentionally homeless if you have fled due to domestic abuse as this makes your property unsafe.

However, although they have a duty to house you this doesn't have to be within their district. Often they will move you out of area. They usually don't like to keep you in the same area as the one you are fleeing. (Yes it is unfair but hey I don't make the rules).


What if I am named on a mortage?

  • You can seek an occupation order (see legal services section)

  • You can flee to refuge

  • Contact your local council as accessibility to social housing may be limited

In most instances you will be advised to remain in the property if you are named on a mortgage or you are married. This is when an occupation order can be useful.

What if I am named on a private rented tenancy?

  • You can seek an occupation order (see legal services section)

  • You can make an application to your local council for social housing BUT if you make an application under homelessness fleeing DA, you will likely be moved out of area

  • You can contact your individual landlord to ask if one or both of you can be removed from the tenancy early, but this is at their discretion

What if I am named on a social housing tenancy?

  • You can seek an occupation order (see legal services section)

  • If you have protective orders in place which prevent the perpetrator from living there you can appraoch your landlord to have them removed from the tenancy but this is down to their discretion

  • You can ask your landlord for a managed move but this can take a long time

  • Contact your local council for support but again be aware they may rehouse out of area

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